We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
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And finally, a classical portrait of a maiden's face and chest, for bringing some fiiiiine art into your shared home.
An elegant lingerie robe with some serious "I just murdered my husband" vibes that's sure to have your (true crime) lover looking stunning...if a litt...
Would You Rather...? and Truth Or Dare? — books filled with fun questions, prompts, and dares that are gonna have you both blushing before bursting......
1. A Michelangelo's David switch cover that'll turn them on every time they turn off the lights.

3. An elegant lingerie robe with some serious "I just murdered my husband" vibes that's sure to have your (true crime) lover looking stunning...if a little bit sinister.
4. A cheeky tee that's gonna delight your independent BFF who has no interest in Valentine's gifts traditions. Instead, let them eat cake, reject relationship expectations, and get "buzzed."

Char Bataille is one of a handful of tattoo artists I have a lifelong goal of being inked by. Until I make my way to Canada for one of their psychedelically lovely designs, I've taken to covering my torso with their hilarious (and bright/sunny/sarcastic) tees. My husband and I share a wardrobe and we both love the extra soft fabric and clear, colorful prints. To match our lewk, grab the Virgo and easy going tees. Then get all the others.
Get it from Char Bataille for $22 (available in nine colors and sizes S–3XL).
Get the Batman one for $15.99 and the sheriff one for $19.99 (available in three sizes), both from Cock Couture on Etsy.
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